This article is available on in French. I have provided the English translation below.
It has been four years since one of the darlings of Jean-Paul Gaultier and his face was featured on the posters of "Le Male" scent on all continents. We recently saw, with the issuance of Portfolio, TQS, that he has but one goal ... making music.
Agnes Gaudet
Journal de Montreal
Francisco Randez is what is called a p'tit Montrealer which made his way. In 2000, after the gala parade for the Golden Shoe, the TVA, he tackles Philippe Dubuc. Desperate to join his parade of spring, he calls ten times in his office. Tired of hearing his attempts, the staff of Dubuc finally transfer one of his calls to the designer, who agrees to meet with the apprentice model.
This is the beginning of his career. The [Duboc spring] parade ended, Francisco quickly integrates [within] the ranks of the prestigious Folio agency and directs his efforts in Milan and Paris. His head shaven, his eyes dark and his 6 feet 3 inch [height] opened up the gates of Europe.
At the age of 15, Francisco (skirts?) fashion. His aunt, Rose-Marie, owns the popular store Mousseline, (known today as Laurier?). In Samère, a single parent with three children needs help and the young men must quickly learn to fend for themselves. Over the years, he helps with several jobs at Mousseline: management, purchasing, styling.
He became a student of the arts in college, he made the (representation?) to pay for the basement he had rented. Each time he leaves the group, he finds that his looks attract attention.
The "Laws of Attraction"
Randez (his father is of Spanish origin) does not believe in chance, but much to the title and the "laws of attraction, are real as that of gravity," said it. His goals, he keeps in mind. And the magic happens.
Through his work and his contacts, Francisco Randez eventually endorsed the closed circle of Parisian fashion and more personally Jean-Paul Gaultier.
One day he is "given the option" to advertise for Le Male perfume and wins the contract. The advertising campaign for the scent Male is warming and he wants a big success. Pictures of Francisco wearing a sailor hat, sketched in the studio in 2002, have been used on all continents. In four yeas his face has become a prestigious brand. A rare feat of longevity.
Randez, at the time, is not known and his salary is set accordingly. Still, each year's royalties allow him to live well and prepare for his real career as a singer: "Fashion is a great boat that will allow me to make a bigger dream," he confesses. "I worked on it for three years."
Athlete and naturopath
Francisco Randez is not just a big beautiful model. All this time, he has continued his studies and received a degree in massage therapy, and is currently completing his training as a naturopath. He also moves well. That has earned him a perfect body widely used for (pubs?) underwear. After ten years of boxing, he is now in athletics and is a runner, competing in a sprint of 100 and 200 meters.
We see a few occasions were Francisco is featured in reality TV show Portfolio, led by Mahée Paiement, since February 8. An experience he adored.
But his baby is the album he is preparing with members of his group, Moujik (in honor of the album The peasant and his wife, Jean-Louis Murat), a French alternative. He has always sang and composed songs, but decided to joined forces with four musicians, including Fabrice Becker, scout acrobats at Cirque du Soleil (which is also his brother), a French, a Quebecois and Irish origin.
The band introduced a clip and three demo tracks and is ready to move into production. They only need the record company.
The singer knows that the game is not won yet, but everything is possible because it makes the image.... His physique has carried him this far, but Francisco knows that success requires more than good looks: "I am fortunate to do sport and competition," he concluded. "To move forward, we must stay on top. "